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1:1 Coaching

You are here because you're done with quick fixes, done with dieting, and done with missing out on your life based on how you feel in your body. We are going to work together to build sustainable, and realistic habits that will create lifestyle you feel confident in ALL year round.


I have been all over the map in the health and wellness space from losing 70 pounds and developing disordered eating behaviours and unhealthy exercise habits (unintentionally), to the complete opposite extreme of anti diet culture, body acceptance and fully embracing self love.


What I've learned through these two extremes is that taking care of your health and wellness is self love. Working towards a goal and challenging yourself in becoming the best version of yourself is self love. You can still work hard to feel your best, and show your body love. And you should. And that is why you are here!


I have three main pillars in my coaching approach...



In my opinion, mindset is the most important factor. Making serious changes (or even little ones!) takes a strong mentality. We live in a world where we are so fast paced and want everything quickly.

If I were to give you a crazy workout program, cut back your calories or remove a food group, of course you would "accomplish" a lot quickly. But where does that leave you? What habits have you established?

We need to be prepared to be patient with ourselves as these changes are aimed to be made into habits!



What we put in our bodies essentially dominos into every other aspect of how we feel. How much energy we have, how we sleep, how our gut health is, how our moods are, how our hormones are, how our movement is performed.. the list goes on and on.

I don't believe in meal plans. I think this sets up unrealistic relationships with food. I believe in meeting you where you are, and slowly implementing habits to optimize your nutrition, as well as creating a healthy relationship with food. We will work together to create a nutrition plan that works for your lifestyle, and your goals.



And of course, movement. How we move our bodies has the ability to change how we feel. Strength training, walking, running, swimming, whatever it is, is so beneficial to your health.

I will make a program that is 100% tailored to you, what equipment you have, your exercise history, and of course your goals. This program will be changed every 4-6 weeks, as long as you've stayed consistent!

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